online business

please follow up with me , in this article where I will explain to you how to start a really strong online business. I want to share with you two important points.

what are the main methods to make money online?

if you want to make a real business online you need to go with content creation,  affiliate marketing such as business models, freelancing, and online stores,  these are the five main methods to build a real business online.

in this article, I want to share with you the action plan to build these five businesses together and connect them to create a really strong business online.

the second point I want to share is that before you go to the action plan, you have an important step to choose your niche.

  in my case, I work in digital marketing and online business, I don't know what is your niche, or what are you plan to write content about.

    •   the first step is to write down or just think about your niche,  maybe you want to go with health and nutrition, maybe you want to go with digital marketing, maybe with programming and development; maybe in training dogs...
I don't know your niche so the first step before you go to the action plan is to choose your niche, the topic that you are going to talk about in your business. the solution that you are going to deliver to your clients is in other words so select your niche and let's start with the 90 days action plan.

 Let's start together,  don't forget to write down the action plan it's very important, we have 90 days.

Part 1 :The First seven  days to build an online business

step1: Set up your website

 the first seven days are very important, what you are going to do simply is to set up your website and mainly to create a blog, just create the blog, it's very important so it will be your main source of traffic.  where people can know about your content and know about your business so in the first seven days what you are going to do first is to create a blog okay?  

Step2: Create social profiles

 the second step in the first seven days is to create social profiles and create at least four or five social profiles like  Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, if you can go with a  youtube channel it will be also perfect. look if you have a big  audience on  youtube you can use this audience to  promote anything you want  

Step3: Content planning

 the third step is what we call content planning,  if you go to google documents you can write a list of content ideas that's how you never run out of ideas because you have a list of ideas that you can publish anytime on your blog you can use also  Google keep to have a list of blog articles.

some YouTubers have many youtube videos to publish for the next couple of months. if you're planning to publish so you never run out of ideas, this is very important to plan your content.  so what you have to do is simply to sum up create a blog set up the blog. by the way, thise video can help you create your blog step by step.

 like this video about how to create a WordPress blog.
   you can follow up or maybe you can search for other videos or simply, search on youtube on Google any course you want on how to create a  website if you don't know how or if you don't have one yet so we set up the website create social accounts at least four or five accounts maybe on Pinterest maybe on Twitter or LinkedIn, whatever you want just start with four or five social accounts  and then plan your content.

part 2: The next  90 days to build an online business

Step1: Create articles

 what you are going to plan is at least 12 articles for the next  90 days, so it's like one article per week it's simple, only like 30  minutes a day you can create an article,  a great article per week.
 So we set up the blog we set up social profiles then plan content for both your blog and your social profiles so create a list of content ideas to publish on your blog, at least  12 content ideas to help you.

As an example, you can go to Google AdWords,  for example, and let's say your niche is about training dogs anything training dogs, now you can search for this keyword and you can go down it will give you many keywords ideas on how to train a dog.

  whatever I don't know about these rescue dogs, you can find some content ideas so you can do something called content research and find some content ideas to publish on your blog,  maybe go to Google and search for other blogs that talk about your niche and see what ideas they have and you can get some content ideas like.

  only 12 ideas, and 12 topics to write about in the next 90 days also for your social profiles you have to plan at least  36 posts for the next 90 days, I'm talking about planning only just writing the topics down to publish about.

Step2: Shares Articles on social media

 By the way, what's nice about social profiles is that you can post the same topic the same post on multiple platforms together,  so you create one post and publish it on all your platforms,  and what you have to do is to publish, at least three posts per week for the next  90 days so it's like 36  posts on social media and 12 articles on your blog, this is for content creation so what you have till now is created your blog your social profiles and you planned your content.

Now you will never run out of ideas you finish the first seven days you can now start publishing content what you have to do now the second step,  is to start publishing content, but remember that while you are publishing content you can link to affiliate marketing products so what you have to do now the is to search for affiliate products related to your niche.

 in my case, as an example, I'm writing about SEO " What is SEO Writing? Create Content That Ranks" Let's open this article here I'm talking about SEO you will see inside my article i am promoting some SEO companies like Semrush, and you will find some links to other networks that I am promoting also like Sendinblue (BREVO)  and get a response.

 So just remember that while you are publishing content, you have to find some affiliate products, that are related to your niche and then link to your articles and your posts.

In this way you are working in content creation and affiliate marketing you can see we linked both together while you are working on this at the same time and you can search online for anything affiliate related to your products.   so this is the idea:

  • Content  creation 
  • Content planning  
  • Linked affiliate products.

This is what you are going to do in the first three months. but you have to remember something very important, while you are publishing content,  your main goal is not money for the first 90 days forget about money.  The first 90 days are building the online business and growing your audience so it's establishing your online presence.

so it's very important to remember that you have to build your newsletter, you can build your own audience, your own email list. this is very important also don't forget that you can start collecting emails into your website into your email list. don't forget also email marketing which is one of the best marketing strategies to grow online and make more sales later on.

 so we published our content on our blog we planned our content and set a content plan we start publishing our content on our blog articles and social media and linking to affiliate products.

 now in case you have some skills, you can provide a service online as a  freelancer,  it's also very good to publish your services on websites, like  Fiverr or maybe Upwork or

 after 90 days when you publish presents online when you have an email list when you have some audience it will be a  lot easier to go and start a business like super tools you can sell online courses you can go and create an online store you can create a  business model and then link everything together and this is where a  strong online business comes so you link all these together and you will have at least five income streams.
  you will have five engines working together and that makes you money online every  month.
 this is the power  of building a strong system like this  one

 I hope you enjoyed this article