In this article, we will discover 12passive income to make money while you sleep. All those who are interested in the laws of money know passive income is a passport to wealth. Every financially independent person has several sources, but when we start it is not always easy to know where to start to help you, this video invites you to discover 12automatic whole passive income which will allow you to earn money even while sleeping. Discover them quickly but just before make sure to subscribe to the chain and don't forget to download your book offer for creating a business on the Internet that report by clicking on the link in the description located under video number1 sell e-books sell e-book is source of passive income interesting because it is very simple to implement just write a practical guide on a theme researched and offer it to readers on a dedicated platform like the famous Amazon KDP it is true that this business is no longer as profitable as it was could have been, but it still allows having regular income the best strategy to gain income is to bet on the number of books the more you offer to the better your sales will bedo not neglect the key elements of cover and layout if you don't feel comfortable with words you can apply this technique by purchasing e-books with resale right number 2 sell photos or videos books digital are far from being the only way to make passive income online if you are more comfortable with the graphic design you can pocket money automatically thanks t O sale of photos and   videos of many sites are looking for free content right to illustrate their pages, they buy these images from banks specialized these platforms will host your creations and will pay you for each download. Conditions vary from one structure to another, but if you publish enough work, this will be a good complement to income. The only things you have you need to get started are a quality mobile phone and a good retouching or editing software. Number 3 generate passive income with online advertising is an essential source. Passive income is a business that can rotate completely automatic, the principle is simple. Advertising agencies pay you to insert advertisements on your site. You are paid when an Internet user clicks on the ad these communication commercial activities can be done different ways. If you have a blog, it will be in the form of a banner and of vignettes, display them wisely so that it does not disturb the user experience. If you have a YouTube channel with video ads will be broadcast before and during your content, once again, don't think to make a fortune only by this means, nevertheless all winnings are good to take to become rich. Number 4 subscription sales. You have the fibre of commerce and the desire to get into business, therefore choose subscription sales. The advantage of this model is that it is very easy to automate it. You can, for example, create a product and make pay for its use  ,  For example, software or applications for which users will have to pay off a sum each month. This can also work with lesson cards on a specific theme and so on only condition for your income is passive is to have created enough content in advance, so that the only thing you have left to do at each deadline either send it task that you can return automatic also number 5 propose online training business online training is a business whose success is not and for good reason learning from your couch has many benefits and the health crisis current confirms that this way to teach represents the future you so you can take advantage of it to create yourself passive income online is all you need to choose an area in which you have skills in creating courses audio or video and put them online on a specialized platform this choice will make your business a little less remunerative only if you used a blog to sell but presents the advantage of being fully automated with this system you do not have to be tasked with advertising for find new customers platform does it for you number 6launch into print on demand you have graphic designer skills and artistic fibre printing at the request can offer you a source of passive income start by creating innovative and attractive visuals that could please the target you are aiming for then put them up for sale on one of numerous dedicated sites, some offer to print your creations another t-shirts give you access to vast catalogue of objects such as mugs, puzzles or even bags if you choose a site that ranks among the leaders in the traffic field drained will allow you to sell without need to do a lot However, note that some regular advertising campaigns will increase significantly your figure business number 7 sell items blog this source of passive income is little known, it nevertheless reports amounts that can be substantial when you think about making money thanks to blog articles we imagine of a web writing service this which has nothing to do with income automatic, but there is another way to make your pen profitable without having to prospect or write down each Today there are sales platforms of content on which you can propose articles already written to you choose a theme that you master you write your ticket in adding tags and meta description, and you put it online after having fixed your price it will not all that remains is to wait for a customer who needs content buys number 8 to lend his savings this type of passive income is accessible only if you have capital of few thousand euros   at leastinvesting is quite simply aboutlend your savings toindividual who does not wish to passby a bank to take out a loanlend yes but not in anywhat conditions no question of youadvise you to improvise as a providercredit yourself not only thiswould be tendentious on a legal levelbut the risk of never beingreimbursed is real to avoid bothpitfalls there are companiesspecialists who collect savingsindividuals and are responsible forcheck borrower guaranteesyou receive interest every monthcorresponding to your report andrecover your capital oncecredit maturity reached number 9faire du Crow lending le Crow lending works on the same principle asthe previous idea with the differencethat this time it is up to companiesyou lend your savings to the banksbeing more and more cautious inin terms of borrowing this market is experiencing aconstant growth of platformsspecialized in Crown landing arenumerous and the entrance ticketrelatively low in general around the20 € take the time to choose the right onepartner site through which you godon't hesitate to browse theforums to gather opinions frominvestors and thus avoidscams avoid those who are domiciledin a tax haven you would not haveno recourse possible in the event ofproblem favor loans tocompanies located in your countryofresidence number 10 the actions instock market financial markets arealways a source of passive incomeimportant for those who have money toplace the best strategy if youlooking to earn moneyautomatic is to bet on thehigh dividend stocks the goal is notnot to make a quick profitbuying to resell more expensively in ashort time but to keep the titlesin the long term to receive a shareof the company's profitsquestion the money collected from thisway is less than what it ispossible to obtain with an approach toshort term but it has twosize advantages the first isthat it is much safer since thecompanies that pay dividendsare strong and capable of holding thecost in the event of a financial crisis the secondis that it's a totally wayautomatic income generationnumber 11 SCPI shares havepassive income through real estatewithout making credit or havingseveral tens of thousands of eurosit's possible you just have to buyshares in one or more SCPIreal estate investment companyit concerns shares in companies whichare responsible for selecting thebuildings to buy to findtenants to collect rents andto maintain the premises with the moneyof the members you receive a shareof the profits of the SCPI pro ratayour starting bet when you wantrecover your capital, all you need to do isto resell your shares this investment youallows us to hope for between 3 and 5% ofperformance which is not so badgiven the reduced risk level number12 rental real estate real estaterental is one of the best sourcesof passive income that you canset up for your futuremore to offer you incomesubstantial in the present you havethe certainty of having a tangible assetwhich will always be there in the futureLoget is part of the needs of beinghuman even if the price of the stonedecreases you will always find peopleto recover your home in exchangeof a rent in this respect the real estate isa real safe haven in the event offinancial crisis it is possibleto buy your first apartment witha minimal contribution or even no contribution ifyour backrest is solid thanks to the leverbank credit in this wayare your tenants who reimburse theborrowing for you, leaving youa small profit in passing if suchinvestment represents a commitmentwhich can scare it is one of theBest Ways to Get Richwould be a shame not to take the plungeget passive income attentionto false good ideas when weis interested in the concept of incomepassive we find hundredsarticles that talk about it on the webbe wary of those that containfalse good ideas certain activitiespresented as fully automaticare not necessarily, they caneven become terribly time-consumingfor gains that are far from beingguaranteed online commerce is oneperfect example of many sellers ofdropshipping training for youpromise cash flowtotally passive in reality doingoperating an online store requires aconstant work even whenstarting to have success delegatingeach of the necessary tasks requiresa budget that will largely swallow up yourmargin before launching into abusiness start by checking that itis actually possible to leave itturn or only dopunctual and minimal interventionsto maintain it once the effort ofdeparture provided if this is not the caseyou may be dealing with a goodfinancial opportunity but not at asource of passive income as suchyou now know how to haveautomatic cash flow if themost of them will not be enough tomake you rich in isolationthe important thing is to put as much aspossible in place in order to accumulate thegains start by choosing the one thatseems the most accessible andwork on making it your own oncethat you will have built somethingsolid move to another and repeatthe operation until you have a numberenough passive income to befinancially independent this makes youwill definitely take some effortbut the results and your satisfactionwill largely compensate them for the thingmore important to do as soon as youwill have finished watching this video it'sto take action without delay ifyou liked this video thank you forlike share comment and above all yousubscribe to the channel you are alsofree to receive the new bookhow to start a business on the internetwhich reports by clicking on the linklocated in the description belowthe video and we'll see each other very quicklyfor a news[Music]video